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BIOG brand

The red and white of the BIOG brand instantly catches your attention. It represents high quality foods that respect the environment and are fair. By buying BIOG products you are supporting Luxembourg’s organic farmers and contributing to the survival of regional, organic farms.

Since beginning in the year 2000, the cooperative Bio-Bauere-Genossenschaft Lëtzebuerg (BIOG) and the wholesaler BIOGROS have created a range of organic products bearing the same name as the cooperative. BIOG milk, cheese, cereals, flour, eggs, carrots and potatoes are typical of the goods produced on a regional scale by the members of BIOG and sold under the BIOG brand. Today, the BIOG range encompasses around 500 products.

In Luxembourg, around 4% of farming land is operated according to organic requirements. Given that the capacities for growth and production of this small country are often not sufficient to meet the growing demand for organic products, the cooperative collaborates with companies in the Greater Region. In order to offer a varied range of products all year round, the BIOG brand also cooperates with carefully selected companies from outside the Greater Region. That’s how BIOG is able to offer, for example, tomato-based products from Spain or Peruvian coffee.

In the long term, more and more organic regional products are expected to expand the BIOG range and fill the gaps, thanks to the development of organic farming in Luxembourg and the processing structures available on a local scale.

BIOG: a brand, a mission

Trust, partnership and cooperation are the foundations of the BIOG brand. Maintaining good commercial relationships in the long term is taken seriously. That way, if there are problems, suppliers are not automatically replaced. Instead, parties look for a solution to the problem that is acceptable to each party. Fair prices are a prerequisite for the long term production of high quality food that respects the environment.

With the BIOG range, the BIOG farmers are supported either directly or indirectly. In fact, regardless of the origin of a BIOG product, a large proportion of the receipts goes back directly to the BIOG farmers and thus allows sustainable farming to persist. This is the brand's principal mission. In addition, each BIOG brand product sold strengthens the organic food distribution structures in Luxembourg. Without those structures, the sale of Luxembourg organic products would be unable to cover the costs of production.