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OIKOPOLIS: We compensate our CO₂ footprint
For the sixth time already, the OIKOPOLIS companies perform a volontary compensation for their toxic emissions in 2019, which have occured in the last financial year due to their productivity and couldn't have been prevented despite all the efoorts and sustainable processes.
The basis of calculation is, in 2008 submitted, CO₂-balance sheet of the OIKOPOLIS Group, which calculates the negative side effects of the Group's activities with a scientifically proven tailored software into CO₂-equivalents. For each ton of this unit, BIOGROS, NATURATA and OIKOPOLIS Services pay 20 Euro to independent institutions, which focus on climate protection in Luxembourg, by supporting organic agriculture.
This results in a total sum of 35.160 Euro, a third of it donated to Bio Lëtzebuerg asbl (by OIKOPOLIS) and the Institut fir Biologësch Landwirtschaft an Agrarkultur Luxemburg asbl (IBLA) (by NATURATA) accordingly. The last third was donated to the Landwirtschaftliche Sektion des Schweizer Goetheanums (by OIKOPOLIS Services).

Picture (f.l.t.r.): Sigmund Walbaum (NATURATA) with IBLA manager Dr. Stéphanie Zimmer, Patrick Kolbusch (BIOGROS) with Bio-Lëtzebuerg-Direktorin Daniela Noesen as well as Änder Schanck, OIKOPOLIS chairman and delegated administor of OIKOPOLIS Services.
Many studies prove the the effect that organic agriculture has on protecting the climate, which is based on many pillars. Organic agriculture preserves soil and water quality and can imrove the air quality, because soil rich in humus can store more CO₂ than an exhausted ground. Moreover, organic products are more eco-friendly than the products with conventional production methods.