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OIKOPOLIS am Dialog: About the creative handling of time
Becoming friends with "time", was the title of a presentation that Wolfgang Held gave as a guest speaker of „OIKOPOLIS am Dialog“ on the 15th of October in Munsbach. The word "time" is not written in quotation marks by coincidence. The universal scholar, communication expert and publicist questions many things, that are otherwise rarely questioned. In doing that, he demonstrates connections which are universally valid but which many people are not aware of.
Eras, streams and spheres of time
First, time cycles of human history were the focus of the presentation. Wolfgang Held showed the Egyptian, Greek-Roman and modern era in the three-sided emotional life (live in emotions - control and cultivate emotions - create new emotions) and compared them to the physical time which is measured by a clock and characterised by total symmetry.

Many examples showed that both the individually experienced but also the retrospectively remembered time can expand or shorten. Besides the mechanical beat of the clock that serves as apparently objective measurement of time, there is the "time of the living" with its typical acceleration of time (also for cultural happenings) and the "slowing down of the soul" and finally the "time of myself", in which "the eternal intrudes the temporal".
Big rhythms, small rhythms
In order to experience these ideas, the speaker asked for personal experiences from the audience, told anecdotes and cited from world literature. Shortly before the "landing" Wolfgang Held broadened the horizon of his guests with the journey through the cosmic rhythms that demonstrate themselves for example in a seven-days-week.
The rhythms that are rotationally assigned to the sun and the moon know many references. Held showed how the procedure of the seven-days-week expresses itself in the seven time units (second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year) and demonstrated that every rhythm has his own time. Starting from there more realisations became evident, such as the synchronisation of rhythms in agriculture with rhythms from the cosmos.

Help for the every-day life
At the end of the workshop on the following day, Held equiped the participants with a tangible time formula for their every-day work routine, because "the handling of time determines our luck". This results from the realisation that stress and rush are the two fundamental "time problems" of today. Rush can be described as a symptom of coldness, because "we make time" for everything that we love. Stress on the other hand is a consequence of stupidity, because thoughtlessness and missing attention for details of preparation lead to time pressure during the execution and hence lead to stress.
If you do something, be present with your mind and your heart. This is how you avoid rush. Act conscious and avoid stress.