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NATURATA solidary action: interim result from South-Kivu
Also during Christmas time 2019/20, we Appeal to the generousity of our NATURATA clients: We want to help - do you help us? The Focus of our charity Action together wit SOS Faim was again on the Congolese Province of South-Kivu. Much has been accomplished since the beginning three years ago. Convince yourself:
The results from last year are already impressive. After transferring the money from the NATURATA christmas charity (15.000 Euro) via SOS Faim to the local partner NGO "Amis du Kivu“, the Luxembourgish donations have been used in many individual projects. See below for the main examples:
Use of the donations from the NATURATA christmas charity 2018
- 160 kg of seeds for the tree cultivation in forestry plantations have been provided to tree nursery companies
- 70 special tools have been provided for tree nursery companies
- 38 representatives of agricultural cooperations participated in Trainings regarding cultural technology, which protect the environment and maintain ecosystems
- 10 Workshops About theory and practise of compostation have been held
- 3 projects about infrastructure are being supervised and supported by „Amis du Kivu“
Further construction- and infrastructure projects:
- Construction of a agricultural building for the storage and processing of manioc
- Establishment of a supply department for seeds and tools
- Establishment of a point of sale for organic fertilisers
General development since 2016
Since the foundation of the NGO „Amis du Kivu“ in 2003, their activities constantly expanded. The local experts provide a lot of Information on site and supervise more and more small farmers. Here are some statistics:
- Increase of the monthly household income of 77%
- Increase in households that have sensitised for organic production methods from 14,5% (2016) to 52% (end of 2018)
- Increase in community members that use environmentally-friendly agricultural methods, from 9% (2016) to39% (end of 2018)
- Expansion of the unexploited wasteland, that has been reforestated, from 16% (2016) to 26% end of 2018.
„Education is better than a pack of rice!“

Charles Cikomola, General secratary of „Amis du Kivu“, bringt brings their philosophy to the point:
"Some NGOs still distribute bags of Rice, without caring About the fact that this charity Action prevents locals from starting to procuce food on their own. What the framers Need is to renew their lifestock and to receive production Tools, with which they can cultivate their fields– not Food that rains from the sky and makes them dependant of external help.“
Click here to hear more about the stories behind the pictures and see how these lives have been improved.
Marianne Mwamutijima, 53 years old, 10 children
Marianne Mwamutijima, 53 years old, 10 children
„Thanks to „Amis du Kivu“ i realised, how important it is, to maintain our environment, so that the current and future generations can live in dignity on our land. Before, I burned the weed after every harvest to fertilise my field with the burned soil. I did not know that really, I destroyed my only source of income.
Meanwhile, I practice forestry with the seeds from „Amis du Kivu“. I cultivate beans, manioc and soy. The socialisation of the plants helped to boost the production and to preserve the land.
I was able to send my children to school with my generated income, two have their diploma. Unfortunately, the I cannot afford universtity."
Jeanne Siffa, 39 years old, 7 children
Jeanne Siffa, 39 years old, 7 children
Jeanne has a parcel the size of half a hectare, where she cultivates manioc, peanuts or corn. As a consequence of the armed conflicts in1998 and 2004, she needed to flee and leave her land, tools, lifestock, harvest and seeds.
The local NGO „Amis du Kivu“ helped her with a new strat and provided means of production. She founded a cooperative along with other members of her village asked for the acquistion of a commonly used tractor, which allows to do the three months work in an hour.
„Thanks to „Amis du Kivu“ my life is much simpler now.“
Jacques, 52 years old
Jacques, 52 years old
„I received a goat from „Amis du Kivu“. Today I have four of them and a veterinarian consulted me in how to take care of my animals.
Thanks to this lifestock, I increased the fruitfulness of my fields by fertilising them with goat manure."
Rémy Kajibwami, 36 years old, 4 children
Rémy Kajibwami, 36 years old, 4 children
Unfortunately, I didn't find a job even though I have a Bachelor's Degree. So I returned to my home village and now I make money from agriculture and lifestock.
Thanks to „Amis du Kivu“, I partcipated in rainings regarding the cultivation of vegetable gardens while using compost and manure, which helped me generate a better income. Thanks to this development, I was able to pay the schooling costs of my children and the doctor bills.
Now I want to purchase chicken and a beehive to sell honey and eggs.