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NATURATA Howald : 10th store of the Luxembourgish organic farmers
Since 30 years, the cooperation BIOG exists and since 29 years, their common point of sale – NATURATA Rollingergrund – is an indispensable contact point for ecologically engaged customers. But the store was soon joined by other point of sales where you can purchase organic and local food products. Recently, the third store in the South of the capital opened, in the middle bewteen Howald, Bonnevoie and Gasperich (the second store is situated in Merl).
On the national level, NATURATA Howald represents the 10th branch store that focuses on the concept of 100% organicaly produced food with preference to local origins.
Marketing success for Luxembourgish organic farmers
Mid October, „NATURATA Howald“ was inaugurated in the presence of many guests. Welcome speeches were held by OIKOPOLIS director Änder Schanck and NATURATA CEO Sigmund Walbaum, but also from politicians such as Fernand Etgen, Carole Dieschbourg and mayor of the capital Lydie Polfer.

Bridge from the farmer to the client
In this context, all speakers referred to the close relationship between every organic farmer and their clients, which is so special and formative for the BIOG-NATURATA-concept. The minister for agriculture praised the inclusion of the farmers in each of the following value chain levels for organic products, as well as the doctrine of "full respect of every step in the value chain" that the OIKOPOLIS companies follow since many years. The mayor underlined as a NATURATA-client herself, that the selection of 100% organic products makes grocery shopping easy for people who care about the "best and healthiest diet possible for their families and children".
Pioneers "also in cooperative retailing"
Lastly, the minister for the environment Dieschbourg mentioned the new label „fair&associative“ which was introduced last year from the BIOG companies. Only products that come from companies who verifiably maintain a close collaboration between all the actors in the value chain, can be labelled with the new quality sign. According to the Charta, this includes the participation in roundtables between all the members of the value chain.