- News
Development of orcanic agriculture worldwide
The Research Institute FiBL and IFOAM have recently published the newest statistics on global organic agriculture and the worldwide organic market and included, amongst other nations, Luxembourg in their study.
Regarding the growth of organic markets in 2019, Luxembourg is the leader in a global comparison with an 18% increase. As for consumption, Luxembourg ranks third with 265€ per capita behind Denmark and Switzerland, one place higher than the previous year. The domestic market share of organic products represents 9% of the total sales in 2019 (about 160 million Euros).

NATURATA is an active economic player at the domestic organic market since 1989 and contributed significantly to its growth by taking organic products, in cooperation with its partner business BIOGROS and the BIOG association, out of their niche status. Following the motto „Fair a kooperativ mat de Bio-Baueren“, the companies build a processing and marketing structure to ensure a market which acknowledges the quality and the high production standards of organic products. Our associative way of doing business has certainly played a huge role in the development of the Luxembourgish organic market.
For more information, please visit the website of FiBL or download our press release.